Our seminars

Seminar 3:

Registrations gladly directly to the following e-mail address


Dieses Seminar 3 behandelt Themen um den Vertrieb von Software über die Vertragsform der Vermietung (OnPrem). Die beiden Grundmodelle für den Vertrieb (Vermietung oder Verkauf / Softwarepflege) werden kurz gegenüber gestellt. Zudem geht es um die Phasen bis zu Eingehung der Verträge, sowie Leistungsversprechen, Gewährleistung und Haftung. Wir sprechen zudem über „Lizenzverträge“, EULA, Software-Aktualisierungspflichten, Support, SLA, sowie die beiden Sonderformen des Vertriebs (1. Vertrieb über die Plattform 2. Partnerverträge).

We will present the latest developments in practice and show you the innovations in the relevant case law and legislation through many example cases.

  • Contract structure (individual contract, general terms and conditions, framework agreement)
  • Purchase contract
  • Software maintenance contract
  • typical problems of the contract types
  • Typical clauses in purchasing conditions
  • Rental agreement
  • SaaS
  • statutory performance obligations
  • Warranty
  • Limitation of liability
  • Support contracts
  • Performance reservations
  • Licenses


Do. 20.05.2025

13.30 - 17.15

Fr. 21.11.2025

13.30 - 17.15

Cost per participant

Unit price:

  • 160,00 Euro (net)

Your speaker

If you have any questions, please contact our contact person Mrs. Gebauer by phone or by mail.

Special features of webinars, netiquette, interaction, privacy and the use of "Zoom

We use "Zoom" for the webinars. We ask that you turn on your device's camera if possible. Interaction: The moderator allows immediate or intermittent questions directly or from the chat, which are then presented and answered in the webinar. We take a 5 minute break every 50 minutes. Speakers will be available to answer questions after the conclusion of the event. If you need a confirmation of attendance, please register with a clear name and unlock the camera. You will receive the slides in advance on the day of the event after payment has been received.

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