Unser Seminarangebot in Form von
Inhouse- Seminaren
Is an exclusive tailor-made seminar of interest to your company?
We will be happy to put together a suitable training or further education offer for your employees.
Your advantages and opportunities:
- On-site
- Determine number of participants yourself
- Selection from our seminar modules
- Addition of individual topics for you
- English or German language training
- Provision of training materials
- Flexible (half day, full day, etc.)
- Individual appointment
- Individual price offer
- Certificate of participation on request
- Online exclusive
- Determine number of participants yourself
- Selection from our seminar modules
- Addition of individual topics for you
- English or German language training
- Provision of training materials
- Flexible (half-day, full-day, multi-day)
- Individual appointment
- Individual price offer
- Certificate of participation on request